Bhubaneswar: Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra has reviewed the progress of Goplapur port on the east coast.
The port has resumed its operation from 2015 after necessary repairs and renovation. The port was severely affected by the cyclone Hudhud in the year 2014.
It has developed a stock yard of 2,80,000 sq mt. Its berth No-2 is also being mechanized for easy import and export.
CEO of the port appraised that the mechanization of the berth would be completed by March, 2021.
Presently, it has two operational railway siding.
Construction of railway yard with four operational sidings has been expedited. This would cater to multiple rake handling. Target was fixed to complete this by March, 2021.
Gopalpur port is now running on operational profit with annual handling of around 5 million tonne cargo.
The issues relating to widening of road existing road connectivity, additional land required for port expansion, construction airstrip at Dhamara, development of the industrial park, development of economic corridor etc were discussed and resolved in the meeting.