BHUBANESWAR: There is no respite from the scorching sun as the capital city of Odisha boiled on 45.7 degree Celsius breaking all-time record in the month of April on temperature parameter.

Bhubaneswar recorded 45.2 degrees by 1 pm while it soared to 45.5 by 1.30 pm and 45.7 by 2 pm on Monday throwing the normal life out of gear. The capital city had recorded 45 degree Celsius on April 23, 1985, said Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Bhubaneswar centre.
It said several towns of the state registered above 40 degree Celsius forcing the people to remain in their houses.
On Sunday, Bhubaneswar recorded 44.1 degree Celsius while 16 cities recorded above 40 degree Celsius.
There will be no respite for people as the blistering summer would continue till one week, predicted IMD.
Its way too hot here in bbsr. Sun is very angry with us for some reason!