Jeypore: The PG Department of Sociology of Vikram Deb Autonomous College (VDAC), Jeypore has organized a memorial lecture under the banner of Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das Memorial Lecture in Sociology on Saturday on the theme “Development Discourse: A Historical Trajectory”.
Dr. Sagarika Mishra, the Head of the Department introduced the guests and delivered the welcome address. She also introduced the concept note of the said memorial lecture.
The memorial lecture was presided over by Dr. Gopal Halder, the Principal of VDAC.
In course of his presidential address, Dr. Halder mentioned that in contemporary times, development is considered as a powerful discourse which is shaping the social, economic and political landscapes of the underdeveloped as well as developing countries. Dr. Halder has also appreciated the innovative initiative of the department. During his deliberation, he appealed to the department to conduct memorial lecture under this banner every year.

The inaugural Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das Memorial Lecture in Sociology was delivered by Dr. Aditya Keshari Mishra who is working as a faculty member in the Department of Sociology, Central University of Odisha, Koraput. As an eminent expert in the domain of development studies, Dr. Mishra highlighted on the importance of development in academics. He mentioned that development discourse is not confined to any particular discipline.
As a multidisciplinary construct, the idea of development is paralleled with the development of the civilization, Dr. Mishra emphasized in his address. He also said that it is unthinkable the think about the contemporary society without the idea of development since it plays a key role in each and every society. He said that development is an integral part of any society. Emergence and expansion of the idea of development, objective of development, subject-matter of development, rationale of development, decade-wise development discussion etc. are some of the major highlights of Dr. Mishra’s deliberation.
All the students of the Department enthusiastically participated in the memorial lecture. All the faculty members of the Department namely Jalandhar Sahu, Tamasa Sarangi, Dhananjay Nayak and Bismita Panigrahi participated in the said lecture.