Online OPD ticket booking at SCB Medical Online OPD ticket booking at SCB Medical, Cuttack

Cuttack: Online OPD ticket booking facility has been launched at SCB Medical College and Hospital in Odisha’s Cuttack on May 9.

Now, citizens can visit to book slot for OPD services at the government healthcare facility. The citizens have to register at the website to book a slot after filling up the required details about the patient.

Patients or their relatives can now visit to book slot for OPD tickets of 32 departments.

How to Book OPD Tickets Online at SCB Medical College, Cuttack

To avail of the online OPD booking services, patients or their relatives can visit the official website, Here’s a step-by-step guide to booking your OPD ticket:

  1. Visit the Website: Go to the eSwasthya Odisha portal and navigate to the OPD booking section.
  2. Register Online: Fill out the required patient details to register on the website. This includes basic information necessary for the hospital records.
  3. Book a Slot: Select the desired department and book an available slot for the OPD services. SCB Medical College offers this facility across 32 departments.
  4. Receive Provisional Registration: Upon successful registration, you will receive an online provisional registration number.
  5. Visit the Hospital: On the chosen day, preferably a working day, visit the hospital during OPD timings. Bring a printout of the online booking and present it at the registration counter or OPD bay.
  6. Obtain OPD Card: A unique and permanent CRNO (Central Registration Number) will be issued, which can be used for future visits to the hospital.

At the time of online provisional registration, the patient will be issued an online provisional registration number to be shown at a registration counter, OPD bay during hospital OPD timings on the chosen day, preferably (working days).

An OPD card with a unique and permanent CRNO will be issued which can be used for subsequent visits to the hospital. They need to bring with them a printout of the booking done on online mode to avail the services.

The online OPD ticket booking at SCB Medical can be made from 12 am in the night to 3 pm the next day. The ticket will remain valid for seven days.

Benefits of the Online OPD Booking System

This online OPD ticket booking system at SCB Medical College in Cuttack aims to streamline the patient registration process, reduce waiting times, and manage the daily influx of patients more efficiently. On average, around 6,000 to 7,000 patients visit the OPDs every day, making this initiative a crucial step in improving healthcare service delivery.

Once registered, the patient will be issued an OPD card with a unique and permanent CRNO (Central Registration Number), which can be used for all subsequent visits to the hospital. To avail the OPD services, patients need to bring a printout of the online booking confirmation.

The physical OPD counters would also run as usual. 

Here is the direct link for registration for ticket booking.