Online applications have been invited through SAMS for admission into Class-XI of Arts, Science, Commerce, Upashastri and Vocational streams in all Higher Secondary Schools in Odisha affiliated to CHSE.
Applicants must have passed the High School Certificate (HSC) examination from the board of BSE Odisha or its equivalent boards.
- Applicants shall apply online by registering themselves on the SAMS portal (
- The applicants are advised to read the Common Prospectus (CP) carefully before filling the online Common Application Form (CAF).
- Applicants must retain the print-out of Application Form and payment receipt after successful submission of the CAF for future reference.
- The Common Application Form Fee must be paid through online mode only (details available in CP).
- All relevant documents are to be verified at the selected Higher Secondary School at the time of admission only. – Application fees for General Category is Rs 200, for ST & SC Category is Rs 100
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