BMC adds 50 more mini park under MUKTA

o increase green cover of the city scape and providing space suitable space for physical exercise of local communities Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has planned to construct 50 mini parks in the city.

Under flagship programme of Govt. of Odisha namely Mukhyamantri Karma Tatapara Abhiyan Yojana (MUKTA Yojana) the parks will be dedicated for the citizens.

This community driven initiative will involve identified mission Shakti groups following the guidelines. The groups along with community members are involved in planning and implementation activities. As per provision, work order has been issued in the name of respective engineers. Mission Shakti Groups of concerned area will do the supportive supervision. For their involvement they will get 7.5 per cent of the budget cost.

Park areas are limited to half acre and less than that. Budget limit varies as per size of the parks. About 35 to 60 lakh will be spent for each park. Facilities may vary from park to park as per plan.
Some of the facilities are detailed below.