Bhubaneswar: Stranded people from Odisha, who want to return to the state after completion of the lockdown restrictions on May 3, will have to register at portal.
The registration of migrants who wish to return Odisha after lockdown began on Friday.
“The registration portal is for everyone who wants to come back to Odisha after lockdown. It is compulsory for everyone to register on this portal,” said Law Minister Pratap Jena.
The Odisha government is expecting that nearly 5 lakh people are likely to return to the state from other states after COVID-19 lockdown is lifted.
13 steps registration process for
The migrants will have to go through a 13-step online registration process through a web portal, which will be launched on Friday.
During the registration process, those wants to travel back to the state needs to give details like category of traveler like migrant workers, students, professionals, tourists and others.
Besides, they need to give details including their name, age, gender, mobile and 12-digit Aadhaar number, present address (state, district, and city), the number of family members who want to come back, and their details, address in Odisha and contact persons in Odisha.
Those who cannot register online can submit a form with all the above details at the gram panchayat office through a local contact.
The panchayat nodal officers will enter the details of the persons in the web portal

Notably, the state government has already made it clear that no one will be allowed to travel back to Odisha without registration.
The government said that the returnees will go for mandatory 14-day quarantine at temporary medical camps at panchayat level.
The project directors (PD) of district rural development authority (DRDA) of various districts have been designated as the nodal officers to oversee the registration process.
The state government has already set up over 7045 temporary medical camps with 2.22 lakh bed strength, which will be used as state-sponsored quarantine facilities.