MPs/MLAs with cases related to crimes against women

151 sitting MLAs, MPs declared cases related to crimes against women

Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National ElectionWatch (NEW) has prepared a report about sitting MLAs, MPs who have declared cases related to crimes against women.

This report analyses 755 out of 776 affidavits of sitting MPs and 3938 out of 4033 sitting MLAs from all the 28 states and 8 union territories of India in the last 5 years. It also includes analysis of the affidavits submitted for bye elections held during the 5 years’ period due to resignation, death or vacation of seat due to some other reason.

The data has been extracted from the affidavits (Form 26) submitted to the ECI by candidates (now MPs and MLAs) at the time of elections held in the years between 2019 to 2024.

As per the report, out of 755 sitting MPs and 3938 sitting MLAs analysed, 151 sitting MPs/MLAs have declared cases related to crimes against women.

Among these 151 sitting MPs/MLAs with declared cases related to crimes against women, 16 are sitting MPs and 135 are sitting MLAs.

151 sitting MPs/MLAs have declared cases of crimes against women such as charges related to assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty (IPC Section-354); Kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage, etc. (IPC Section-366); rape (IPC Section-376); Whoever commits rape repeatedly on the same woman, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years, but may extend to imprisonment (IPC Section-376(2)(n)); Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty (IPC Section-498A); Buying minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. (IPC Section-373) and word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman (IPC Section-509).

Party wise sitting MPs/MLAs with cases related to crimes against women

  • Among various parties, BJP has the highest number of sitting MPs/ MLAs i.e., 54, followed by INC with 23 and TDP with 17 sitting MPs/MLAs who have declared cases related to crimes against women.

State wise sitting MPs/MLAs with cases related to crimes against women

  • Among the states, West Bengal has the highest number of sitting MPs/ MLAs i.e., 25, followed by Andhra Pradesh with 21 and Odisha with 17 sitting MPs/MLAs who have declared cases related crimes against women.

Details of sitting MPs/MLAs with declared cases related to rape

  • Out of 151 sitting MPs/MLAs who have declared cases related to crimes against women, 16 sitting MPs/MLAs have declared cases related to rape (IPC Section-376) and Whoever commits rape repeatedly on the same woman, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years, but may extend to imprisonment (IPC Section-376(2)(n)).
  • Among these 16 sitting MPs/MLAs with declared cases related to Rape, are sitting MPs and 14 are sitting MLAs.

Party wise number of sitting MPs/MLAs with declared cases related to rape

  • Among parties, BJP and INC each have the highest number of sitting MPs/ MLAs with 5 each declared cases related to rape.