
Sudarsan’s Sand Art On Demonetization Has A Message For Black Money

Puri: Renowned sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik has created a sand sculpture on demonetisation move at Puri beach in Odisha.

The sculpture, which lauds Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic move to curb black money, bears the message,  “Beginning of a Clean India and RIP black money”.

Prime Minister’s surprise announcement to demonetise higher denominations of currency notes has been applauded as the government’s masterstroke to curb hoarding of black money in the country.

PM Modi also characterized this move as the ‘massive cleaning drive’.

“I would like to thanks and appreciated our PM for his historic step. And want to appeal the people of India to be united and begin a clean India,” said Sudarsan.

Pattnaik has won many awards for his work and is well-known for combining art and activism. He has participated in more than 50 international sand art competitions and festivals around the world.

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