Odisha +3 Phase-II admission 2021: The Phase-II admission of Degree College (+3 first year) under SAMS will be held as per the guidelines.
Following categories of applicants are eligible to apply
Applicants who were previously selected & taken admission, previously selected & not taken admission and not selected at all in Phase-I.
Applicants, who have not applied during Phase-I due to various reasons.
Common Application Form (CAF) Fees:
Applicants need not have to pay any CAF Fees as they have already paid during Phase-I.
These applicants will have to login in SAMS Portal with their existing username and password to edit their existing CAF to provide fresh options (choices) for the institutions as well as they may edit their marks/reservation/weightage, if incorrect.
Applicants will have to create their individual username and password in SAMS portal and fill up the CAF with the relevant information. During filling up of CAF, it is advised to check the marks secured/reservation criteria/weightage and bank account details. These fresh applicants will have to pay CAF Fees.
All applicants can fill minimum 5 and maximum of 20 options (choices).