Online OPD ticket booking at Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: To make the healthcare easy and accessible, online registration for afternoon OPD in Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar has been started from today (January 9, 202).

The online registration can be done from 12 midnight to 3 PM for OPD services from 3 PM to 5PM. Now, citizens can visit to book slot for OPD services at the government healthcare facility. The citizens have to register at the website to book a slot after filling up the required details about the patient.

Patients or their relatives can now visit to book slot for OPD tickets.

Step for Online OPD booking:

Step-1 : Visit

Step-2 : Click on “Online Registration”.

Step-3 : If you have previous online registration number (OPD Ticket) then select “Do You have Central Registration Number”, otherwise select “New Registration”.

 Step-4 : Select the ‘Hospital’, ‘Department’ and ‘Appointment date’

 Step-5 : Fill relevant details like; Name, Age, Address, etc. and click on “Register” & the system will generate a QR Code along with Print option of Appointment Slip

 Step-6 : Take a print out of the “Appointment Slip”. OR take screen shot of the “OR Code” & collect Printout through Kiosk Machine by scanning QR code in the Hospital itself.

 Step-7: Visit the respective department with the “Appointment Slip” on the scheduled date at least one hour before the OPD closing time.

For re-visit, you have to re-register against your previous CR Number and get a fresh ‘Appointment Slip’

Here is the direct link for registration for ticket booking.